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Paleoenvironmental Sediment Laboratory

Applause for Joshua
Congratulations to Joshua, he has passed the oral defense very well.

Welcome to Amy
Enrolled in two universities, National Taiwan University and Simon Fraser University, Amy will join our group and conduct research in the western foothill area of ​​Taiwan.

Congrats to Bor Jiun !!!
Presenting about Ba/Ca as freshwater input proxy in the Arctic region, Jong Bor Jiun has been awarded the citation on excellent academic performance in the 41st Youth Forum, hosted by NTU Geosciences Department.
Good Job!!!

Welcome to Romain
Welcome to Romain Vaucher, Postdoc Mobility Fellow from Applied Research in Ichnonology and Sedimentology, Simon Fraser University. He will conduct research at Houlong River and Da’an Gorge to resolve the cyclicity of Foreland Basin deposits and the preservation of extreme events based on sedimentology and geochemical data.

Bye-bye Yuyen :(
Our cheerished and lovely member is leaving Taiwan to pursue her dream as Science Communicator and will join a PhD program at Simon Fraser University, Canada.
See you in the future, Yuyen!!!

Applause for Bor Jiun
Congratulations to Bor Jiun who was chosen as The Best Poster at The First PalaeoArc International Conference 2019 in Poland.
“The Poster was clear, well presented, and very promising for the future,” the committee said.
Once again, congratulation Bor Jiun!!!

Our former MSc student has published her research in Scientific Reports
Congratulations, Yuyen!!!
If you want to know the story behind the finding, please check the cool video on Youtube
Glory Glory Yuyen!!!

Applause for Tsai Wen!!
Congratulations to Tsai Wen, she has passed the oral defense very well.
“Dream big and dare to fail”

Applause for Graham!!
Graham got the best presenter award in the 38th Youth Forum hosted by NTU Geosciences Department.
Congratulations !!!

Applause for Tsai-Wen and Yuyen!!
Tsai Wen got the best presenter award in the 37th Youth Forum hosted by NTU Geosciences Department. Also, finally, Yuyen graduated.

Weiya dinner and welcome for Shahin & Masa
Wish us a successful adcademic year in 2019! Thank you Masa for being a judge at Yuyen’s oral defense, and Prof. Shahin who will do a sabbatical semester here until June.
Get ready for field and lab work!!
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